May 29, Sunday

Editor’s Note: The AMI QT Devotionals from May 23-29 are written by Andy Kim. Andy, a graduate of Northwestern University, is about to complete his M.Div. at Fuller Theological Seminary. He is currently serving as a staff at Radiance Christian Church in San Francisco, CA

Devotional Thoughts for Today

Acts 28:28-31

“Therefore let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen.” 30 He lived there two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed all who came to him,31 proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.

29The Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration one can receive in the US, awarded directly by the President himself. It is for those who have shown the greatest bravery in a time of great need. An example of this is Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez, who risked his life to save 12 men by boldly stepping into enemy infested territory. One survivor highlights how Benavidez was shot over 20 times, suffered a grenade explosion, and yet crawled to his men to give out water and ammunition. When I think of the words “bold” and “courage,” he is certainly someone that embodies them, and in many ways, these words also reflect the life that Apostle Paul lived for the gospel. In fact, today’s passage is an accurate mission statement of Paul’s life.

As we conclude the book of Acts, we look at the early church fathers and see that they were all very bold in their faith. Even the Pharisees were amazed that such ordinary men who had cowardly run away during the time of Jesus’ death, were now boldly preaching the gospel. The Huffington Post also identifies bold people as those who “possess a radical vision, face and overcome fear, persevere through suffering, willing to go the extra mile, trust their gut, etc.” As I read the list, I automatically made a checklist for myself, and sadly enough, I would not be considered a bold person by these standards.  Not even the 12 disciples would reach these standards. However, as believers we hold onto the promise and command that Jesus gives in the beginning of Acts: the Holy Spirit. It is not our abilities or even our characteristics, but it is the very Spirit of God inside of us that makes us bold. This Spirit emboldens us to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to teach about our Lord Jesus Christ, unwavering from the truth to even  face death itself. His Spirit (not some medal) is the highest guarantee that believers can receive which is given only by Jesus Christ himself, and we receive it based solely on the work of Jesus Christ. J.B. Polhill comments concerning the surprising conclusion of Acts, “He (the writer of Acts) ended not on Paul but on the gospel, on the message of the kingdom. The word of God in Christ – not Peter, not Paul – is the real hero of Acts.” May we live boldly for Christ, proclaiming the truth to those around us, no matter the cost.  Let us take full comfort, knowing that the gospel will advance through chains and bonds, persecution and storms, and even through unbelief and opposition – and that those who are willing to carry the gospel boldly will triumph!

Prayer: Lord, make us bold for You and may You be glorified. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who empowers us to preach Your truth faithfully and with courage to the people around us. Father, may we be unashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of our salvation for all people. Help us to overcome our fears and insecurities believing that Your Word will triumph for eternity.

Bible Reading for Today: Psalm 56


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